Grateful for 2020? A few words to close this crazy year…

I did not want to let the year finish without expressing my gratitude to all of you who endured working with me this year. THANK YOU for your patience, collaboration, and support!

You are likely reflective as we get close to the end of this crazy year! I know I am. This year has been unbearable at times. Personally, I lost part of myself when we stopped traveling.

Those of you who know me probably have heard me say that I am one of those weird people who loves the airport, how it feels, how it smells, jumping on a plane with the spirit of a kid who’s never flown. Every time I traveled, I felt renewed. Meeting people that are different and at the same time discovering that universally, we are all looking for the same things: peace, dignity, and love, really breaks down any prejudice you might have.

I’ve been traveling for work regularly for the better part of the last 10 years. My last trip was in March, and I remember thinking back then – just a couple of months, and then we’ll be back on the road. Boy, did that turn out wrong! A couple of months in, I felt a little lost… in my own home. I had a hard time adjusting to not traveling. Looking at my backpack and luggage collect dust made me very sad.

I was focusing on what I lost instead of on what I gained and should be grateful for. 

This pandemic has been devastating to a vast number of people, who’ve lost family & friends, lost their jobs, and struggled with lockdowns and restrictions. It’s not lost in me that the fact that those closest to me have not been affected by the virus is a blessing. Working in the travel industry and getting to keep my job is also a blessing (thanks, Collinson!). And just as important, getting closer to my colleagues, friends, and family has been extraordinary. The levels of collaboration we’ve achieved working remotely are remarkable. The conversations we’ve had with colleagues and friends are so deep and so fulfilling. Spending so much time with my family made me realize all I was missing while traveling and how much I now gained by being at home. It is the ultimate bliss.

Not saying that I don’t miss traveling; I do, terribly. And I’ve gained a different appreciation for it. Flipping that switch, from thinking about what I lost to what I gained and should be grateful for, makes me look at this year in a different light. Yes, it’s been tough, and lots of people have not been as fortunate. But we have been very blessed, and there’s a lot to be grateful for. I invite you to reflect on whatever good you gained from this crazy year and appreciate what you lost. Hopefully, it will help you put a different light on it. Remember to always find ways to help others, which is as simple as asking, “How are you?” or “Is there anything I can help you with?”. And welcome 2021 and all its challenges and opportunities with an open heart and an open mind.

All the best, and have a great holiday.


1 thought on “Grateful for 2020? A few words to close this crazy year…”

  1. Pingback: International Travel Recovery? Not so fast... | Jorge A. Enriquez

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