Get better at video with mmhmm

Do you want to take your video presentation skills to the next level? You are in luck! I want to tell you about a new tool: mmhmm, which will help you take your video skills to the next level.

Why does it matter?

Thanks to the pandemic, we are now reliant on video to stay in touch. Because of that, the way we work has changed forever. We will see more companies adopting hybrid workplace models and others going with fully distributed teams. In my last article, I write about the challenges to bring back international travel. This point is critical for global companies since they will need to continue to use video as the primary tool to keep their teams connected.

The challenges for virtual presenters, according to this article, are several, and I want to focus on 3 in particular:

  • The audience forgets what they hear in a virtual meeting much more than what they hear in an in-person meeting. It’s because we don’t see body language. According to the Mehrabian rule, 55% of what we understand is communicated via body language. In short, we need to see the presenter.
  • The attention span in a virtual meeting is only around ten minutes. It relates to the previous point; when we cannot see the presenter, we stop paying attention quickly. In fact, when the presentation is in person, the recommendation is that it does not exceed 20 minutes.
  • The connection between the virtual presenter and the audience is challenging to replicate using existing traditional presentation tools. As in the previous point, by not seeing the presenter, we are distracted by other activities.

How can you become more memorable on video?

Let me introduce you to mmhmm, a tool that aims to make virtual interactions memorable. mmhmm, allows a virtual presenter to:

  • Increase engagement and connect directly with the audience.
  • Elevate their content.
  • Present as a team with someone else.

In a virtual meeting, if we are using Zoom, Google Meet or another platform, something like this usually happens:

  • “And now to talk about tools to present, Jorge Enríquez.”
  • “Thank you very much. I am going to share my slides. Can you see them?

We ask our audience to choose between seeing the presenter or viewing the material. The magic of mmhmm, is that it allows to present like this:

video with mmhmm

Which is much more natural, and I would consider it better than what a presentation would be in person. The presenter can choose from a wide variety of virtual rooms, static and dynamic, or add their own virtual rooms. Not only that, but it also allows us to reposition ourselves, to make ourselves bigger, smaller, transparent, or even invisible.

video with mmhmm

It also allows the presenter to share everything they want to share. Windows on their computer, slides, videos, GIFs, create their slides, live video, connect other devices such as a cell phone to make a demo, etc.

video with mmhmm

It is a very flexible tool and works with the most used video conferencing platforms: Zoom, Google Meet, YouTube, Teams. Mmhmm does not replace these platforms. It makes interacting with them much better.

Additionally, it allows you to record presentations for virtual events and has two options:

  • You can record to a file that you can share.
  • You can use the Interactive Presentation feature that provides a link that you can share. Additionally, the person who receives this link can “control” the presentation. It’s like getting a move of the presentation and a deck. The person receiving the link can do things like advance slides (move from one to another, make them big or small) or control the presenter.

As you can see, mmhmm helps to solve the challenges described above. Since the audience can see the presenter’s body language, which helps with the retention of information, allows to extend the time for each topic, and facilitates the connection between presenter and audience. All this results in better communication. 

The best thing is that it is straightforward to install and very easy to learn. I invite you to consider mmhmm as your preferred video presentation tool.

It is worth clarifying; I have no relationship with mmhmm. I am just a user and fan of the product, transforming how I communicate. My primary motivation is to share a great tool that I hope helps you achieve your potential.

If you need help to setup mmhmm and some training, do not hesitate to contact me.


1 thought on “Get better at video with mmhmm”

  1. Pingback: How You Can Create Excellent Executive Presentations | Jorge A. Enriquez

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